Background Noise

Now, it just may be the result of a mediocre rip. But while I do think Drake, Kanye West, Lil' Wayne and Eminem are all operating at full lyrical strength on "Forever," a year-old mix tape that's been leaking everywhere, the same thing bothers me about this track that bothered me about Relapse: the production sounds really muddy and staticky to me.

I can understand the desire for some complexity in instrumentation and production, and I have no problem with that as an ambition. But I think if you're going to operate in a form where lyrical prowess is absolutely paramount, you'd want to make sure your music isn't getting in the way of those lyrics. Especially when you've got a line like: "You would think I ran the world, like Michelle's husband," which may be the first lyric I've heard that prioritizes Mrs. Obama over the President. I could dig that trend, as long as it doesn't get Hillary-is-the-power-behind-the-throne creepy and vindictive.