Another Perspective on Art and SciFi

From commenter Bryan H (I'm pretty sure I know who you are, dude :) ):

Hi. My name is Bryan and I stopped following io9 months ago and I don't miss it.

Like you, I was originally drawn to the site because I enjoyed the female perspective, the diverse content, the science. But ultimately, it was the unceasing stream of 'spoiler' and mainstream super hero posts that drove me away.

My RSS reader became so overwhelmed by posts that featured 20 video embeds and discussions on the newest Batman incarnation that I felt that it was no longer worth the effort to seek out those great lists posts or anything that mentioned Samuel R. Delany.

The site just wasn't doing enough to uphold and draw public attention to the excitement and possibility that speculative-fiction is and should represent, and instead chose to pander to the corporate vision of sci-fi that features testosterone soaked action in tights with explosions in space.

Sometimes less is more, and when it comes to a site like io9 I'd like to see less of the expected and more of the unexpected.

As an alternative, one of my favorites is the BLDGBLOG. Run by architectual ponderer and one time Dwell editor Geoff Manaugh, the site explores the possibility inherent in design and buildings and environment... and well, everything.

If you're in doubt check out this interview with Kim Stanley Robinson.
 Well, I have to admit I like some corporate sci-fi (she says, in a tiny voice), but this is exactly what I'm looking for.  Please keep sending stuff.