Roman Polanski

I've felt all day like I should have something to say about the director's arrest in Switzerland, although the apologia for his admitted rape of drugged 13-year-old have horrified me into a stupor.  Fortunately, my friend, co-worker, and occasional collaborator Gautham Nagesh has a post that mostly sums up what I feel.  Money paragraph:
That article perfectly captures the difference between the two countries. The French revere Polanski because of his talent, which is undeniable, and therefore are willing to treat him differently than they would a common criminal. Judging by the voices across the Internet today, most people in the U.S. consider him a rapist who belongs behind bars. God Bless America.
I'd amend this a bit, since I don't really believe the French basically believe that talent excuses people of heinous crimes, and I have been shocked by the American commentators who have argued that Polanski has somehow suffered enough.  But as a statement of the countries' respective legal stances, this is true, and damning.  Given that Polanski's art has provided a means of escape and safe harbor for him after he committed a heinous and inexcusable act, I can think of no more fitting punishment for him than that he be denied the ability to make art for a while.