Man, I got all excited on Twitter this afternoon when I heard that SyFy had picked up Being Human, a BBC show about a ghost, a werewolf, and a vampire, who share a flat, that GayAsXMas has told me to watch, and which I've been lusting after because it's one of those tantalizing, frustrating things that isn't available on iTunes, isn't streaming online (at least not on the official site), isn't on Hulu, and that I'd have to subscribe to extra cables to get.
Sadly, my excitement was misguided. What SyFy is giving us is a remake. And I just don't see why. It HAS to be more expensive to remake the show than to syndicate it. Americans, particularly nerdy Americans, have a reasonably demonstrated taste for British television. Unless they're doing a frame-by-frame remake, there's not necessarily a reason to suspect the remake will capture the same things that made them buy the rights in the first place. Meredith at io9 has further disgruntlement. I might watch, but what I wanted was the original. And it looks like I'm not going to get it.