Despicable Me, Tepid Trailers

I'm not sure I get the motivation behind Despicable Me, Steve Carrell's new animated supervillian movie.  If you're going to do a movie about stealing monuments, why not rake in the nostalgia vote and (shudder to think it), do a Carmen Sandiego movie.  Might have more brio than this Americans-are-fat-stupid-and-Southern schtick:

And if you're going to do a smart super-people movie with an absurdly stacked cast, you've got to have an idea that's at least as smart as the ones animating The Incredibles, which brought zest and humor back into the genre.  This ain't that.  I don't know what it is.  But if there's something bolder and more fun, something Get Smart-ish about this particular enterprise, the trailers sure aren't showing it off.