The Twilight Smackdown

Dear Bella Swann, This guy vampires better than you. Love, Alyssa

So, after burning my brain out on the Twilight books, writing you guys lots of cryptic posts about them, and convincing the good friend who lent me the novels that I am using her beloved Edward Cullen for eeeevil (sorry, Alison), the Atlantic piece I promised y'all about the oddly passive magic of Twilight (and and with lots of references to Cimorene, Wise Child, Juniper, and Morgaine thrown in for contrast) is here!  I had an incredible amount of fun writing it (and re-reading all the books that I loved from my childhod and adolsecence that informed it), and I am not-so-secretly hoping this will provoke mountains of ire.  After all, I need a better internet controversy out there than the suggestion I want to smut up the Harry Potter books.  I have been practicing my Morpheus-style "bring it" gesture all week.  So come on, Twi-Hards.  Let's dance.