Funny Girl

I'm not exactly sure what Easy A is about, and I worry that the fact that it's a Scarlet Letter riff means it'll end up being slut-shaming and sex negative.  But man, does Emma Stone look adorable in this:

I definitely know the whole "let's see how far I can make my hair stand up on my head while I'm shampooing it" trick!  Stone is really funny, and great, and likable, and I think that unlike a lot of super-cute female actresses her age, she believably portrays that sensation of having this luscious body you haven't quite figured out how you fit into yet.  She was authentically and charmingly dorky in The House Bunny, even when Anna Faris taught her how to rock her assets and made her over.  That's a valuable commodity, one that even Lindsay Lohan didn't really have in Mean Girls: she was moving smoothly, even before she got Plastic-ed.  Here's hoping that Emma Stone keeps her hair color, her charm, and her sanity.  Lohan's decline still feels tragic to me, but it does leave welcome space for Stone's ascension.