The Announcement

So, as of today, I'm joining's Correspondents roster, and that feed of my pieces over at The Atlantic is turning into a blog. I'm thrilled for the opportunity, and have a whole bunch of posts in the works. It's cool to get to hang out on the same channel as Ta-Nehisi, Cathy Alter, Christopher Orr, and many, many talented other people, so this is effectively like getting to go to a bar you like with people you enjoy spending time with much more often than you used to.

What does that mean for this blog? It certainly doesn't mean that I'm going to stop writing here. It does mean that I'll be doing some cross-posting, but I'll usually lag posts that go up at The Atlantic so they pop up here 24 hours after they're initially published. It means that I'll be thinking carefully about what kind of content fits best there, and best here. And I really hope it means that those of you who have been amazing enough to help me grow as a writer and to explore all the things that we talk about here will follow me over to The Atlantic. You guys are my partners. I need you. Add: to your RSS feeds, and please stop by. There will be a Disqus commenting system, A Game of Thrones blogging, and more!