Love and Lies

You know how I've been excited by the idea that Kirsten Dunst might be in a considerably promising movie again? Well it looks like there's not just one, but two contenders for her comeback. All Good Things certainly looks like it has some awkward, overwrought moments, most of them involving Frank Langella, as is wont to happen when he gets involved in something a little too purple to be good for him. But as a couple initially brought together by the fact that he doesn't want her to really know him, and undone when she realizes how little she knows, Dunst and Ryan Gosling look pretty good:

And some of the dialogue is quite intelligent, a cut above the usual platitudes movie people use to express love, or anger, or fear. "What do you mean by perfect?" one of Gosling's friends asks him after he says that Dunst is perfect. "There's nothing I do that she doesn't like," Gosling's character explains, and it's immediately evident how creepy that conception is, even before we know that he probably killed her. It's just so patently the wrong answer.