"Smiley" Face

In what sounds like completely awesome casting move, Gary Oldman is apparently set to play George Smiley. The Karla trilogy is an amazing story, and while I think it might work better as a premium cable show, I'd take a great Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Spy movie, and even a trilogy of movies if it works out, if that's what's on offer. The timing seems right, too. The recent arrest and deportation of a Russian spy ring in the United States, no matter how insignificant, makes Cold War narratives relevant again. And let's be honest, nothing has every particularly replaced the U.S. and U.K. v. Russia in the world of long-arc spy stories.

The Bond franchise is the most obvious example of the flailing failure to find a replacement. The Chinese-industrial axis in Tomorrow Never Dies didn't quite resonate, and Le Chiffre worked brilliantly as a nemesis in the Casino Royale remake, but the organization that theoretically employed him was a massive dud in Quantum of Solace. The franchise is on hold right now, at least in major part because of MGM's major financial difficulties, but if a studio was going to cut an expensive, long-running process, Bond's an anti-hero without a mission these days, and worth shelving until he can find a new rationale. 

Contemporary spy shows like 24 or Spooks have survived in part by addressing an array of villains. But terrorism of the Osama bin Laden variety's a bit...diffuse, and it's hard to have a clash of equals when the visions of the adversaries are a question of modernity and its destruction, not different visions of progress. It's not a duel, it's much messier, and in the end, al Qaeda's going to lose, which takes a lot of the suspense out of things. Strictly for the purposes of storytelling, it's nice to have the Russians back.