In the Flesh

Oh, man you guys. I have tickets to see Robyn and Kelis next week. I am so excited. The chances of me weeping copiously at the 9:30 Club are perilously high, particularly if Robyn performs any of her new stuff. I've gushed over "Dancing On My Own" and "Dancehall Queen", but I love "Hang With Me" as an entry in the loneliness soundtrack that so many of the best pop artists seem to be collaborating on these days:

Robyn - Hang With Me official video from Robyn on Vimeo.

And "Cry When You Get Older" is simultaneously nostalgic and incredibly unsentimental:

The one thing I dislike about Robyn is the sense that I'm losing critical perspective on her. She just speaks too directly to where I am right now for me to be hard-nosed about whether the electronica is working for her, for me to go looking for flaws in her voice. And maybe if I did, I wouldn't find them anyway. The reviewers' consensus seems to be that she's as good as I feel she is, and I'm glad, as I rarely am, to have that consensus backing me up.