Something Really Special: Salt Edition

A couple of weeks ago, NPR's rockstar culture correspondent Neda Ulaby shot me an email. After I fell out of my chair in gratitude and surprise and recovered my composure, we recorded a couple of segments.

The first one, pegged to the release of Salt on Friday, and as an expansion of this post, on roles in pop culture that were written for men and ended up being played by women, is up here, along with a slide show for which I wrote the captions. I hope I don't do this to you guys too much, but please, PLEASE go read the story and listen to the segment. A) being quoted alongside Ridley Scott is one of the more exciting things to happen to me, pop-culture wise, b) my parents are geeked about me being on NPR and c) Neda is awesome, one of the nicest reporters I've met in the business, and I would love for her to get some traffic from y'all for this.