Book Club: How It'll Go Down

So, half of y'all want me to read Perdido Street Station, and the rest of you split between other books on the list, so Perdido Street Station it is. I need to get a feel for how long it takes me to read a chapter or section, but I'll start today, and by Wednesday, give everyone a sense of pacing. We'll start discussion a week from this Friday to give everyone to get copies in whatever format you choose (I'll be reading it on my Kindle, so I won't be referring to page numbers). And I'll do a long post every Friday (like the ones I did every day during A Week of Ice and Fire) until we finish that will serve as a conversation starter and open thread for the section we've read. I'll ask folks who have read the novel, or who are reading at a faster pace to avoid spoilers, but if you'd like, I'll put up a separate spoilers thread for folks who want a place to discuss, just let me know. Sound good? Questions? Complaints? Just let me know in comments. I'm looking forward to this.