I Don't Want to Be Friends

In this movie, Katie Holmes has a group of friends that goes by The Romantics. It really seems like they ought to go by The Assholes instead:

Seriously, if I was this old, and my closest friends were a group of people who behaved this unattractively, I think my worst problem would not be who my ex-boyfriend was marrying. Sure it would be annoying if it were Anna Paquin, but it's actively damaging to have friends who are this underminey and pretentious. Maybe I'm just being an unsympathetic whippersnapper, but I hope that were I in this position, I would turn down the invitation to the wedding, and take my newer, and better friends to another beach with a case of champagne instead. Ugh. It rarely is the case that I feel viscerally turned off by the characters in a movie that's not a torture porn flick, but I want no part of this.