Oh, Idris Elba

Legacy? Your new movie? The one where you play a crazed Black Ops vet? It looks really, really bad. There's the fact that you're doing a better-looking impression of Crazy Jeffrey Wright in the disastrous 2004 remake of The Manchurian Candidate, at least what I saw of it before walking out of the theater. There's the fact that no serious presidential candidate would let his crazy brother, particularly not a crazy brother who had served in the military, molder in an apartment somewhere: do you know what the opposition research on that would look like? Good lord. And finally, this movie looks singularly humorless without looking exciting. You're good when you're funny, or at least kind of poignant. It would be unfortunate if your turn as Stringer Bell, in which you were both, turned out to be the high point of your career. You're way, way too young for that.