From the Department of Ask And Ye Shall Receive...Sort Of

Apparently, there's a reasonable possibility of two live-action superhero television shows in the near future—an Incredible Hulk show that might have some continuity with Joss Whedon's Avengers movie and a Cloak and Dagger show.

I don't mean to beat this horse entirely into the ground, but they've got the wrong Hulk here. It's true that either a Hulk or a She-Hulk show or movie, or whatever, is just going to be extraordinarily difficult to pull off. The physical transformations are considerable, and nobody's really found a strong way to pull them off without looking hugely stiff or incredibly cheesy. The size factor alone is a major problem. One intriguing possibility, though, given that Mark Ruffalo's going to do motion-capture work that will result in the scenes with Bruce Banner in Hulk mode, would be to have Ruffalo do the Hulk show as a way to fine-tune both his performance and the technology for the movie.

I don't know that Ruffalo would want to lock himself down to a television show. His movie career's going far too well for him to need to escape into another medium, and the pay wouldn't be as good, unless for some reason he was craving a substantially more stable schedule and guaranteed paycheck. But the chance to see him once a week would certainly be something that would make me happy. And I think, whether he does a show or not, he's got promise as the Hulk. I think where Edward Norton went wrong with it was playing Banner as super mild-mannered, and creating this vast contrast between Banner and the Hulk. Ruffalo's very good at playing decent, thoughtful men with real cores of anger to them—it's one of the best things about his performance in Zodiac, the obsessiveness and rage in the good cop. I think there could be more emotional continuity and clarity to this performance. As long as they can get him good big green facial expressions.