Pleased With All the Beats and Rhymes My Sisters Have Employed

Man, M.I.A. and Rye Rye may not be Queen Latifah and Monie Love, but this little slice of the eighties is a lot of fun, isn't it?

They've actually collaborated before on a similar track, "Bang," though I think "Sunshine" is a superior song:

However annoying I find M.I.A.'s politics, I do very much want her to be commercially and artistically successful, and I'm thrilled that she's supporting talented young women in hip-hop. Most of the time I just want art to be a meritocracy, but when it comes to hip-hop, I want women to have the right to be as stupid as Soulja Boy and to not have that affect perceptions of their female colleagues, for there to be a woman in the game as angry and as articulate as Eminem, as weird as Eminem. I want women to conquer so I get to the point where I feel like I can be discerning. Not that I don't have a lot of fun with Nicki Minaj, but I want her to be a guilty pleasure, rather than the best chance present chance for women to conquer the hip-hop charts and airwaves—it's pretty pathetic that she was the first woman to top the rap charts with a solo song since 2002.