Young Love

I'm glad to hear that Kevin Keller, the gay character Archie comics introduced this summer, is getting a spin-off series. I just hope they give him a boyfriend, or at least a love interest.

I'm all for getting teenaged gay characters in all sorts of media. But I think it's really important that their struggles and character growth not be limited to struggles with basic acceptance, whether it's their own coming to terms with their sexual orientation, or their coming out to parents and peers. It's a more subtle kind of exclusion to lock gay teens out from dating, to suggest that simple self-acceptance and pride is the be-all and end-all of what gay kids can hope for while they're in high school. The only way to have gay characters who are fully integrated and accepted as full peers is to give them on-screen or on-page access to all the experiences their straight peers are having. And you're only partially to terms with your sexuality, no matter who you're attracted to, if you're only getting the attraction half of things, if you're barred from action.

Kevin might as well be asexual if the only plot lines they're going to give him are chowing down with Jughead, being besties with Betty, and refusing to date Veronica. If he's going to be a full member of the gang in a town where even the science nerd gets to date a bombshell redhead, where many of the characters essentially come in pairs, he's got to get a shot at romance too.