Continuity and Chance

I think the integrated approach Marvel's taken to the big film cycle it has underway is fascinating, and this video of Jon Favreau talking about working with the studio's very interesting:

It seems to me like one of the biggest challenges the directors involved must face is how to preserve continuity and a sense of coherence in the universe they're sharing, even as they're telling different stories and facing that universe from different perspectives. Without someone like Leland Chee and the Star Wars Holocron (seriously, if you haven't read this, it's one of my favorite pieces about continuity and world-building) discrepancies and retcons are probably inevitable. That said, I think the opportunity to do that exploring and have those perspectives is artistically and commercially fantastic. If there were going to be more Star Wars movies, I'd love to see a Rogue Squadron series, if only because it would be nice to see the alternate take on the universe.