Fading Away

I didn't particularly like Ghost World when I saw it:

I think it's entirely possible the movie hit too damn close to home for me. It was the summer after my senior year of college, and I watched it with one of my very few friends at the time. It was before either of us knew that we were going to grow up enough, and figure enough things out, to find a way through our lives that didn't involve a mysterious bus out of town.

But it's very sad to me to hear that Thora Birch's father might be costing her acting work. She was never quite that magnetic, but she could have been one of the heiresses to Winona Ryder's hard-edged alternative dreamgirl legacy, sharper than Natalie Portman's manic pixie dreamgirl. No matter your profession, all of us deserve to live independent lives and to negotiate appropriate space from our parents. If something happened to her to make her want or need her father around and playing a major role in her life, even a directive one, I hope she's all right.