Hugo Weaving Is The State
Woo, new Wolfman trailer, courtesy io9! And while there is obviously lots and lots to discuss in this movie, one thing that intrigues me is that it's yet another role for Hugo Weaving in which he plays a semi-malevolent agent of authority. Whether he's the deliciously creepy Agent Smith in the Matrix movies, the Big Boss Elf Elrond in Lord of the Rings, the voice of Megatron in the Transformers movies, and now as Detective Aberline in Wolfman (who, on one hand, is trying to kill the terrifying monster stalking the countryside, but on the other hand might off Benicio Del Toro in the process), Weaving has a gift for making power both compelling and uneasy. Even though his role as the title character in V for Vendetta was an anarchist, he embodied the same sense of his own correctness that makes both some states and some of the the fanatics that seek to topple them so dangerous. It's an odd thread to have running through a considerable section of an actor's career, but a very interesting one: more so than we get from even the most high-brow Hollywood actors.