Ed Norton, Susan Sarandon, Kerri Russell, Richard Dreyfuss and Steve Earle Walk Into a Redneck Comedy

I am deeply perplexed by the trailer for Leaves of Grass, wherein Edward Norton plays both a nerdy professor and his redneck, drug-dealing twin brother whom he is forced to impersonate.

Leaves of Grass (Edward Norton) Exclusive New Official Trailer!

Edward Norton Official | MySpace Video

It's a really terrific-looking cast, and my adoration of Romance & Cigarettes means I try to keep my threshhold for the absurd reasonable, especially when Susan Sarandon is involved.  And my love for Steve Earle is such that I'm willing to extend extra patience to this project.  But I really hate the following things that appear in this trailer: deeply unfortunate attempts at accents, the consistent implication that rednecks are dumb, a seeming rip-off of Bull Durham's "a certain word that's a no-no with umpires" gag, and hot-for-teacher humor.  I'm hoping there's something redemptive there that pulled all these people into this project.  Because this trailure sure doesn't demonstrate what it is.