I Adore Jeremy Renner

And this video from Vulture pretty much sums up why:

It might have been nice if all of this success had come to Renner earlier (and it might have saved The Unusuals, about which cancellation I remain bitter) but I think it must actually be nice to get famous later in life.  You don't get scrutinized during the awkwardest period of your life.  You go into fame with a firm sense of who you are, and a well-rehearsed and adaptable set of talk-show anecdotes.  And perhaps most importantly, you know that you can survive not being famous, something that seems like death for a lot of celebutantes these days.  Going back to bagging groceries or putting makeup on cows might not be great, but you'd have done it before, and you'd know you could get by doing it again.  I think we live in an age when fame is an end in and of itself, when really, its value lies in the opportunities it opens up.