On Selling Out

And why I tend to think it's a pretty absurd criticism, over at Ta-Nehisi's joint:
I don't really understand why "selling out," or finding a way to steadily monetize your artistic output, is such a terrible thing.  Of course there are multiple levels on which an artist can potentially "sell out," and multiple silly critiques of such actions.  I don't think there's, for example, anything wrong with artists vetting the business practices of companies who want to use their work in advertising if they care about said business practices.  But I do think it's silly to decry artists who participate in advertising, or who sign with major labels, or who perform on silly but popular programs to get some exposure.  If you've decided that you want to make a living through your art, and to have that living be a decent one, you've already made the decision that art is a commodity--and you've accepted that decision if you buy concert tickets, or albums, or merch.
Also, if any of you go over there and start a debate about Tony Kushner in comments, you will make me so happy there might have to be a prize involved.