Getting Strapped

So, this may be the dorkiest comparison of all time.  Bear with me.  Does anyone feel like, after a lull in programming, HBO is making like Buffy leading up to the climactic fight with Adam in Season 4?  You know, get your friends together, be they Willow, Xander and Giles or Michael K. Williams, David Simon and Steve Buscemi, perform a spell and summon the spirt of the First Slayer or Tony Soprano, whoever your originary deity is, and then prepare to absolutely kick ass.  Because between Treme (about which I am almost paralyzingly excited) and now Boardwalk Empire (not to mention The Pacific), it looks like HBO has mounted up in a major, major way:

This strikes me as a great thing.  It would have been pretty tragic after The Sopranos and The Wire inspired the fantastic work taking place on Showtime and FX if HBO hadn't tried to up the game further.    I don't know if we're anywhere close to the potential limits to what it's possible to do with television.  But I hope folks keep stretching until we get there. (Plus, you know, Michael K. Williams 4 Evah! you guys.)