Community v. 30 Rock

Image used under a Creative Commons license courtesy mrhooks.

I'm excited about some of the shifts to NBC's fall schedule (though holding back Parks and Recreation is a crime), particularly the move that puts 30 Rock right after Community.  I've long thought that Community kind of stole 30 Rock's thunder with a setting that was equally quirky but more relateable, an intergenerational and interracial conversation that was less reliant on stereotypes, and better broad use of its cast.  I have no idea what goes through the minds of the good folks who populate network television comedy writers' rooms.  But I know for damn sure that if I were Tina Fey, I'd feel Community breathing down my heels.  It's the hot new property on the network, and not for nothing.  The show has all the mojo, strangeness, and joy 30 Rock had in its brilliant first two seasons.  I'd want to push my own show harder to top its lead-in, to make sure folks stick around intentionally for 30 Rock and not just because it's the thing that's there for a half-hour before The Office.  If this pairing creates a mid-run flourishing for 30 Rock I'll be very pleased.  And even if it doesn't, it means I don't have to sit through The Office to get to 30 Rock.