Of All the Genres of Movies To Be Made In Slightly Egregious 3D...

Dance movies are among the more logical, and I'm not sure why it hadn't occurred to me before:

If you do a good job of shooting full dance routines, without cutting off dancers' bodies, and capturing the full effect of the routined, and then show it in 3D, it could be a genuinely different and more fulfilling experience than just seeing the actors flat on screen.

I probably see more cheesy action movies than corny dance flicks, even though I tend to think that, given equal badness, dance movies are probably more redeeming.  At least there, the special effects that break up the plot, that give the attractive leads an excuse to put their faces (and after the inevitable first kiss, the rest of themselves) in extremely close proximity, and that give us a chance to exhale forcefully, perhaps even with syllables included, are created by people, often the actual people we're supposed to be invested in, rather than stuntmen standing in for them.  And while I think fights and explosions can, situationally, be art, I don't think the presumption is that they are.  Dance comes from the opposite assumption: it always starts out as art and can travel in the direction of silliness.