Putting on the Tights

Image used under a Creative Commons license courtesy of moria.

I'm glad that Matt Yglesias has reaffirmed conversations I've had with, among other people, my trainer and Katie recently about the unnecessity of yet another Robin Hood movie.  If you're going to make a historical movie about the period, there are so many fresher stories to tell.  Why not do a Richard the Lionheart feature, rather than casting the guy who a) may have been gay, b) led a Crusade, c) got kidnapped by the Duke of Austria, handed over to the Holy Roman Emperor who was ultimately excommunicated for holding him prisoner, and was ultimately ransomed by his own mother, at enormous cost to his country, as a bit player in Robin Hood movies?  Speaking of said mother, why not do an Eleanor of Aquitaine, who would be a ferociously entertaining character for some marquee actress to rip into and carry off, and whose intelligence, humor, taste, manipulations and weaknesses are far too badass to be contained into a frame narrative about one of her husbands or one of her sons.  Let the Earl of Huntington, or whoever Robin Hood really was, have a rest for a bit. And give some other, perhaps more deserving, folks their cinematic turn.