As those of you who follow me on Twitter may have noticed, I am ripping through Being Human as fast as I possibly can before a remake of the show about a vampire, werewolf and ghost sharing a house premieres on SyFy. The thing that struck me about the SyFy trailer, and I'm sure will strike those of you who have seen the completely excellent BBC original, too, is how strikingly visually similar it is to the show it's purporting to remake:
If what SyFy wants is a show about a curly-haired, olive-skinned ghost, a werewolf who goes through exactly the same physical motions during his transformation as an extant werewolf, etc., why not just aim for syndication rights to the original? There's something eerie, and not in a compelling way, about how exact this reproduction is. If you're going to remake a show, add something to it, for God's sake. Create an essential Americanness to it to counter the essential Britishness of the BBC original. I'll reserve judgement until I've seen the show itself (and I'll try to get my hands on some screener copies), but this visual similarities strike me as a sign of worrisome timidity.